> Tier List League of Legends: current hero meta (07.05.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX)    

League of Legends Tier List (May 2024): Current Tier List

League of Legends

Keeping track of game updates is not always easy, but the developers are constantly adding new heroes and changing the balance of the game. To make it easier for you to choose among all the champions, we have compiled an up-to-date tier list for you. There is no need to check the statistics or identify contenders for the first place yourself - you can find out everything at once here.

The tier list categorizes the characters according to their roles in the game, and the table shows which characters are currently in the meta and which are very weak and will not cope in rating matches against serious opponents. We monitor updates and change our list along with the changes that the developers make, so the data presented is always fresh.

When compared, each champion is assigned a category (S, A, B, C, D). Characters that are stronger than others rank higher in the S tier list, while the weakest ones rank D. The list is based on developer updates and balance between champions.

The killers

The killers

This class is known for its agility and mobility. They must, like a shadow, move around the map, look for lone heroes in the forest and quickly kill them. In a team fight, they only come out for a couple of seconds to deal high burst damage and move out of the way. They do not withstand long battles, do not go head-on to the team, go around from the rear flank or attack from an ambush. At the top of the list are high-damage mobile assassins that excel in solo fights.

Level of Champion
S Kassadin, Zed.
A Evelynn, Master Yi, Ekko, Kindred.
B Nocturne, It is, Kha'Zix, viego, Shako, Lee Sin.
C Akali, Xin Zhao, Nidalee, Rengar.
D Timo.



The task of a warrior is to deal damage, but at the same time not to concede in defense. He plays in the front line, so armor is just as important to him as damage. As a rule, they must withstand long battles, because along with tanks they take part of the damage from characters with long distances - mages, shooters. While the opponents activate their skills, the warrior must get to the flank and fight. They must have strong basic attacks, good skills and dexterity to perform all their tasks in a team. Therefore, we present a meta of warriors who are equally good in defense and in damage.

Level of Champion
S Gangplank, Darius, Jax, Fiora.
A Olaf, Rengar, Singed, Shen, Camille, Mordekaiser, Jace, Irelia, Diana, Bel'Vet.
B Quinn, Kled, Wukong, Warwick, Illaoi, Urgot, Riven, Garen, Nasus, Zion, Atrox, Hecarim.
C Poppy, Rise, Pantheon, Tryndamere, Yorick, Malphite, Cale, Gwen, Renekton, Ene, Doctor Mundo, Rek'Sai, Kain.
D Gragas, Gnar, Rumble, Yasuo, Volibir.



Basically, the tactics of playing the mages are focused on their skills. They fight at a long distance, release their skills and wait for a cooldown, because they cannot fight closely through basic attacks. The Mage is an easy target for assassins, as he is thin enough to be inaccessible to enemy tanks or DPS. During the game, gold, items, skills are very important to them. The meta can bypass the killer, the skills have good burst damage, and with a couple of combos, you can pick up the opponent. In this case, you will not substitute, but will maintain a sufficient distance.

Level of Champion
S Eliza, Anivia, Cassiopeia.
A Fiddlesticks, Silas, Vex, Victor, Vladimir, Galio, Sindra.
B Ari, Veigar, Ziggs, Zoe, Katarina, Lissandra, Malzahar, Niko, Orianna.
C Azir, Aurelion Sol, Brand, Varus, Le Blanc, Cho'gath.
D Kennen, Talia.



For champions of this class, the game is focused mainly on basic attacks. They must kill rivals from a long distance, while not falling into the clutches of an assassin or magician. Indeed, due to the small level of health, the shooter is very vulnerable to rapid explosive damage. With the right position and skills applied, one shooter can destroy the entire team, but it is difficult for him to do this without reliable protection or with low mobility. The tier-list contains shooters from the best to the worst, choose among them a reliable champion with high mobility and strong damage.

Level of Champion
S Samira, Jean, Kai'Sa, Caitlin.
A Shaya, Twitch, Draven, Akshan.
B Carthus, Nyla, Tristana, Jinx, Varus, Lucian, Graves.
C Kog'Maw, Ash, Miss Fortune, Zeri, Wayne, Ezreal.
D Sivir, Calista, Aphelion.



Versatile heroes whose goal is to support the team. They can be both strong controllers, healers, and initiators and defenders. Champions apply positive buffs to themselves and allies, such as shields or invulnerability, restore their health and come in a difficult moment. For such heroes, you need to be everywhere and at once - they are team players, they are highly dependent on the team and cannot cope alone. That's why we made a list with the best support champions, who are strong enough and mobile enough to easily turn the whole game around.

Level of Champion
S Lux, Nami, Morgana, Yumi, Zhanna.
A Sona, Heimerdinger, Zyra, Lulu.
B Tariq, Rakan, Braum, Renata Glask, Zilean, Bard, Soraka, Thresh, Pike, Nautilus, Ash, Karma.
C Vel'Koz, Zerat, Leona, Ivern.
D Serafina, Swain, Brand, Senna.



The class, like support, is designed to help all allied heroes. The main task of the tank is to be hardy and take damage. In addition, they act as initiators and controllers - they go ahead of the team, provoke opponents and buy time so that damage dealers can deal as much damage as possible. They are very useful for thin characters, for example, mages and shooters, because their protection falls on the shoulders of the tank. They do not need to have a lot of gold during the game, they rely equally on both skills and basic attacks. We present the current meta of tanks that are the best champions to support the team.

Level of Champion
S Maokai, Zak, Udyr, Blitzkrunk.
A rell, Amumu, Nunu and Willump.
B orn, Alistair, K'Sante.
C Vladimir, Tahm Kench, Sejuani.
D Cho'gath.

When choosing a champion, be guided not only by the tier list, but also by the choice of opponents. Even heroes in the meta have counters that can't be beat by skill. And consider your own abilities - practice on the character before the game. Otherwise, no matter how strong the champion is, without the right approach, equipment, runes and tactics, you risk not revealing it completely and sinking during the match.

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  1. G.D

    My opinion - luxury - D support. Nila - does not apply to shooters. Blitzcrank is not a tank.
