> Zask in Mobile Legends: guide 2024, assembly, how to play as a hero    

Zask in Mobile Legends: guide 2024, the best build, how to play

Mobile Legends Guides

Zask is a powerful mage from Mobile Legends who acts as the main damage dealer and pursuer. Its creatures are hard to dodge and its attacks can be lethal. In the article, we will consider all the abilities of the character, talk about the main disadvantages and advantages of the hero, as well as the emblems and items necessary for him.

Also explore hero tier list on our website!

Zask has 5 skills in total, one of which works as a passive boost. When the ultimate is activated, all abilities are enhanced, which we will discuss in more detail later.

Passive Skill - Destruction


After death, the mage summons a ferocious Nightmare spawn to his place. It will gradually lose health until it dies.

Deal true damage to enemy Heroes within the circled area.

First Skill - Nightmare Spawn

Nightmare Spawn

The Hero summons a Nightmare Spawn onto the field. It inherits from the mage half of the indicators, as well as additional magical power. It automatically attacks a target that steps within the circle marked on the ground. After a three-hit combo, fires a death ray, dealing increased damage and slowing the target by 70% for 0,5 seconds. If you move far away from the Nightmare spawn, then it disappears.

Fusion Enhanced: The damage of the summoned monster is increased to 200%, and the hero can move it to another convenient place.

Skill XNUMX - Nightmare Invasion

Nightmare Invasion

Xask fires a beam directly in front of him in the specified direction, dealing magic damage to all targets hit. If a Nightmare Spawn is placed next to it, then it repeats the blow at the same time as the owner. When an enemy is hit by two projectiles at once, they are stunned for half a second.

Fusion Enhanced: Xask and the summoned unit deal increased magic damage.

The third skill is Collective intelligence

Collective mind

The mage summons a row of Nightmare clones directly in front of him in the marked direction. Each of them, on contact with an opponent, explodes, dealing damage and slowing the affected target by 80% for a second. If the clones failed to immediately attack the enemy, then they go underground and explode, if rivals step on them, then there will be no slowdown effect.

Fusion Enhanced: Xask will spawn multiple rows of clones onto the field at once. Each of their next attacks will deal 20% reduced damage.

Ultimate - Descent of the Overlord

The descent of the lord

Xask activates Fusion with Nightmare Spawn. During the duration of the damage, the indicators of both the summoned creature and the magician himself increase. The creature will restore health points according to the damage dealt from basic attacks. All other abilities will be enhanced by Fusion and automatically recharged.

Pressing again allows Xask to leave the Nightmare Spawn, but he also loses his skill buff.

Suitable emblems

We made two options Mage Emblems, which will help the character on the battlefield. Consider both and choose based on your playstyle or based on heroes from the enemy team.

Mage emblems for Zhask

  • Gap — +5 adaptive penetration.
  • Second breath — reduces the reload time of combat spells and active equipment.
  • Unholy Fury - add. damage to the enemy and restoration of 2% mana.

Mage emblems for Zhask for speed

  • Agility — provides faster movement of the hero around the map.
  • Bargain hunter — reduces the cost of items in the in-game store.
  • Lethal ignition - sets the enemy on fire and deals additional damage to him.

Best Spells

  • Inspiration - Increases the character's attack speed to the maximum.
  • fire shot - Helps push enemies away from you or finish off a target with low health at a long distance. The further it flies, the higher the damage. The indicators grow with the increase in the magical power of the character.
  • Flash - A spell that gives the hero a powerful dash. Suitable to catch up with rivals or dodge attacks.

Top build

We offer a current collection of items for Zhask. Items will increase attack speed, reduce the cooldown of the ult and increase the hero’s magical power.

Assembling Zask for laning

  1. Demon's boots.
  2. Paradise pen.
  3. Wand of genius.
  4. Wind Speaker.
  5. Holy Crystal.
  6. Divine Sword.

How to play as Zask

Zhask is an ideal mid lane hero that provides powerful crowd control. Capable of delivering a lot of explosive damage in a short time. He is a strong pusher, figuratively endowed with two lives. Among the minuses, we highlight that the hero himself is quite thin and without an ult he will not be able to withstand fierce fighters or killers from someone else’s team. It is not easy to master, locks onto one target and requires a lot of mana.

Start the match by farming in your own lane. Use your first and second skill to quickly destroy creep waves. Set the spawn closer to the enemy mage to push him to the tower and prevent him from clearing the lane.

After the ult appears, you can start traveling in other lanes, in some cases even initiate large battles on your own.

How to play as Zask

In the middle stage, Zask becomes an extremely powerful mage. Participate in every team battle. With Nightmare Spawn, shine through the bushes and quickly push the towers.

Effective Combinations for Zask

  • Against one opponent install the spawn with the first skill, release the clones with the third to slow down the enemy. Then press the second ability. It is desirable that the summoned creature also hit the target, causing a stun effect. Finish off an enemy with a basic attack.
  • Before the gank install the spawn, and then with the help of the ultimate, move into it. Activate Inspiration (if any) and attack the enemy team. Use your third ability to release multiple clones nearby, slowing down players and protecting the area in front of you. Break the Fusion by pressing the ult again when the enemies move too far away. Press the first skill and hit with a basic attack.
  • If you are surrounded by a crowd, then immediately activate your ultimate and Inspiration. Don't forget to set the clones in front of you with the third skill. If they retreat, then leave the spawn and finish off with the first skill and basic attack. If you can't handle it, then it's better to retreat, the remaining creature will slow down the opponents and increase the chances of escaping.

In the late game with a full item set, Xask deals insane damage. You can attack along with the team or even try your hand behind enemy lines, first destroying the mages and shooters. Keep track of your mana. Without the Fusion, you will remain a subtle hero. Before ganking, think about retreating, because you have no escape skills, you can only divert attention with spawns and clones, but this will not be a hindrance for fast killers.

This concludes the guide, we wish you good luck with the development of Zask! The comments are always ready to answer additional questions.

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