> Terizla in Mobile Legends: guide 2024, assembly, how to play as a hero    

Terizla in Mobile Legends: guide 2024, best build, how to play

Mobile Legends Guides

Terizla is a strong fighter who does not rely on movement speed, but on many health points and high physical attack. He can hold the experience line even if he is facing multiple opponents. In this guide, we will analyze the character’s abilities, show suitable emblems and spells, and top builds for various situations in the match. We will also give some useful tips that will improve your playing skills for this hero.

Also on our site is current tier-list heroes for the latest update.

Hero Skills

Terizla has three active and one passive skills, like many other characters in the game. Let's take a closer look at the hero's abilities to better understand when to use them.

Passive Skill - Blacksmith Body

Blacksmith's body

Terizla releases a special energy that will protect him when his health drops below 30%. Damage taken by the character at close range will be reduced by 60%, and every 1% of additional attack speed they receive will be converted into 2 points of physical damage.

From the explanation above, it is clear that Terizla's passive skill is quite good, so use it wisely.

First Skill - Vengeance Strike

Revenge Strike

Terizla will use the hammer he wields to slam the ground and deal physical damage to his enemies in the lane 2 times. Enemies affected by this skill will be slowed by 40%. In addition, Terizla will gain 25% additional movement speed for 3 seconds.

Skill XNUMX - Execution Strike

Punishment strike

Terizla will swing his hammer to deal physical damage 3 times (every 3 times he uses the skill there is a short cooldown). On the 3rd swing, the character applies a slowing effect to the enemy by 30%.

Ultimate - Area of ​​Punishment

Scope of punishment

Terizla jumps to a specific area and slams his hammer into the ground. Enemies caught in the area of ​​effect of the skill will receive great physical damage, will be slowed down and drawn to the center of the ultimate area.

Suitable emblems

Emblems Fighter will be the most effective choice for Terizla. Core talents will increase physical penetration, attack, and physical lifesteal.

Fighter Emblems for Terizly

  • Strength.
  • Blood feast.
  • Courage.

You can also use Basic regular emblem. Two talents should be selected from the fighter's kit, and the first should be replaced Agilityto increase your movement speed.

Basic regular emblem for Terizla

  • Dexterity.
  • Blood feast.
  • Courage.

Best Spells

  • Revenge - this spell will reduce incoming damage and also return 35% of the damage to attacking enemies.
  • Flash - additional mobility, since Terizla often lacks movement speed.

Top Builds

Various items are suitable for Terizly, the choice of which depends on the game situation and role in battle. The following are good builds for increasing survivability and damage, which will allow you to play well as a character in any match.

Defense and Damage

Terizla build for defense and damage

  1. Warrior boots.
  2. Ax of bloodlust.
  3. The dominance of ice.
  4. Oracle.
  5. Ax of war.
  6. Shield of Athena.

Maximum survivability

Assembling Terizly for survivability

  1. Short boots.
  2. The dominance of ice.
  3. Oracle.
  4. Shield of Athena.
  5. Ancient cuirass.
  6. Studded armor.

Spare equipment:

  1. Shining Armor.
  2. Twilight armor.

How to play as Terizla

To play well as Terizla, you don't need to train for a long time or use your skills very quickly. It is enough to make the right decisions, move intelligently around the map and use the right combinations of abilities.

You can use aggressive tactics or go on the defensive under the allied tower. It is also worth taking into account the following features of the character and some tips for playing for him:

  • Terizla is much harder to kill when he is low on health due to his passive.
  • Use the first skill to constantly annoy enemies and reduce their movement speed.
  • The first ability cast on an enemy with low health will deal more damage.
  • You can also chase opponents or run away from enemies using the movement speed bonuses from the first skill.
  • Clear waves of minions faster with the first and second skills.
    How to play Terizla
  • Your enemies can easily dodge the second skill, so make sure to time it correctly.
  • The second ability can be used while moving.
  • Terizly's ultimate is very useful in team fights, as it allows you to control opponents.
  • The ultimate ability also reveals enemy heroes hiding in the grass.
  • Apply a combination of skills: ultimate > first skill > second ability. You can also use it in reverse order.


Terizla can be the secret weapon to win a match thanks to its good survivability, burst damage, and crowd control. He will be very useful in the mid game. In some cases, he can even play the role of a tank.

However, it is important to know that the character's slow movement speed makes him vulnerable to coordinated attacks from multiple enemies. That is why it is important to monitor your position and the movements of your opponents on the map.

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  1. Anonymous_228

    In the first build on the line, I would recommend immortality because in the late game the heroes become too pumped up and you have to improvise

  2. terizla 85 win rate

    You can update the emblems and assemblies, otherwise it’s different in the game

    1. admin author

      Updated content!

  3. Nikita

    1) assembly into the forest (nonsense) from the word at all. Who will take terizla to the forest? 2) the experience build on the line is not much wrong 3) TERIZLA is now in a nerf so there is no question of a secret weapon (so it was my main, my MM 3672 is on it) and 4) At the moment he goes more into the tank

    1. Thorium

      I took terizla into the forest when our squad couldn't find the jungler.
      Terizla into the woods through survivability and before the rework was good, but after he started playing in a new way.
      So do not consider playing on heroes in the forest as nonsense.

  4. late game is dead

    About me - I started playing s18, in it I upped 5 myths, then I scored on the game, I'm back now and I'm already playing for 200 pts.

    Brief thoughts on Terizla this season.
    Previously, this character was not popular from the word at all (like Faramis, for example). I started to main it, and that's what I can say.

    Terizla is good for 2 roles, both roaming and exp-line.
    In both cases, I recommend taking tank emblems with 1 perk, our whole game should boil down to ensuring that as many players of the enemy team as possible target YOU, and at this time your sups, adk, cores should kill thin targets into pieces. With this tactic, you can easily make winstreaks on this character.

    Assembly full def, according to the situation. For example, I have level 60 tank emblems and 2 saved assemblies, in the first one full emphasis and all talents are selected to reduce magical damage, in the second physical one, respectively, and I look at what damage the opponents have more by the draft finale.

    If the enemy has an explosive magician whose damage is difficult to dodge (gossen, kadita, kagura), I try to get an athena for the 3rd slot.
    The first slot is the boot apai, the second is the anti-heal, always.

    Well, actually, the whole success of terizla depends on his correctly set ultimate, try to always hit the core or hell, you can even kill him on your own, without anyone's help, for your procast with a full assembly into a tank, the damage from terizla's skills is big for such targets, especially if they haven't collected 1 item to protect against physical damage.

    Try to ALWAYS hit the thin target with the finisher from the second skill - this is the most painful skill he has, which literally “devours” the HP of the thin target, which remains only to hit the first skill.

    According to the additional skill, I advise you to take a return line or a flash, but I tend to the first option more, since I often go to the exp line. and at critical moments the enemy can kill himself.

    Flash is best taken when playing with a core, when you can be sure that the combination of flash + ult will definitely give an impact and you will make the necessary minus in order to continue to comfortably take objects from enemies.

    By late, because of his passive, terizla does not sag in defense, and is also able to withstand a large amount of damage, of course, if in the process of taking this damage, your team follows and kills the characters that inflict it, 1x2 can still survive, and 1 against 3 is already vryatli.

    As a conclusion, I consider Terizla a very worthy hero, I would put him in the S tier, he is useful in direct hands at absolutely all stages of the game.

    1. admin author

      Thanks for the extended comment. Other players will find this information very useful.
