> Warwick in League of Legends: guide 2024, builds, runes, how to play as a hero    

Warwick in League of Legends: guide 2024, best build and runes, how to play as a hero

League of Legends Guides

Warwick is the embodiment of the unleashed wrath of Zaun, a real monster lurking in dark alleys and waiting for his victims. He enters the tier list as an excellent warrior, taking on the role of harassment and devastating damage. In this guide, we will talk about what skills a champion has, how best to combine them, provide up-to-date assemblies of runes, emblems, and select the best spells.

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The hero is quite versatile. His performance is about the same in terms of damage, defense and control. However, he lacks mobility. Deals mixed damage, relies on both basic attacks and your skills. It is not difficult to master, compared to other champions. Next, we will look at all of his abilities and how they are interconnected, make up the order of pumping and the best combinations.

Passive Skill - Eternal Thirst

Eternal thirst

His basic attacks will deal bonus magic damage that will increase as the hero levels up. When Warwick's health drops below 50%, he will restore his missing health points in direct proportion to the additional magic damage.

When health falls below 25%, then the ability to restore health points increases three times.

First Skill - Jaws of the Beast

jaws of the beast

With a single press, the champion rushes to the marked target and inflicts increased magic damage with a bite. The skill also carries the effects of a basic attack: restores the champion's health points by 30-90%, depending on the damage inflicted on the enemy (the figure increases with the skill level). If you hold the key, then the hero will become attached to a specific target and jump behind the back of the marked opponent.

While tethered, Warwick will follow his opponent's heels, and this effect cannot be interrupted. In addition, the ability repeats the charge or flash spell cast by the enemy and also teleports the champion after the victim.

Skill XNUMX - Blood Hunt

blood hunt

in a passive state the ability increases the attack speed of the champion by 70-110% (the figure increases with the increase in the skill level) if he fights characters whose HP drops below 50%.

In addition, it opens the effect of "Feelings of blood»: he can track the movement of all injured opponents around the map using special blood tracks. These footprints are left behind by enemies whose health has dropped below 50%.

If Warwick heads straight for the target, his movement speed will increase by 35-55% outside of combat. When the enemy's health falls below 20%, the acceleration increases by an additional three times.

When activated skills Warwick starts sniffing around his rivals, which takes him a little while to do. He then marks the nearest enemy champion with "Bloodied prey».

The skill can only be activated outside of combat. If the hero does not hunt enemies, then the cooldown of the skill is halved.

Third Skill - Primal Howl

Primal Howl

After activating the ability, Warwick will take less damage for the next 2,5 seconds. Depending on the skill level, the damage reduction rate increases from 35% to 55%.

When the effect of the skill ends or is interrupted by pressing the key again, the champion emits a piercing howl. The howl causes nearby enemy champions to be feared for XNUMX second.

Ultimate - Infinite Violence

Endless cruelty

The hero makes a swift dash forward, reducing the distance that he would have traveled in 2,5 seconds. If a haste effect is applied to Warwick, it will additionally stack into dash distance. The first champion caught in the path will be paralyzed for the next 1,5 seconds. On hit, Warwick deals increased magic damage, applies effects three times, and restores his own health points for the amount of damage dealt.

During the dash itself, the character is invulnerable, the effect of the skill cannot be interrupted. But, at the end of the jump, any effects can be applied to it.

Sequence of leveling skills

At the initial stage of the game, we open all three regular abilities. Next, we pump each skill in the same order in which they go in the game - first, second, third. Ultimate is an absolute skill that must be pumped immediately upon reaching levels 6, 11 and 16. For convenience, we have provided a pumping table.

Leveling Warwick Skills

Basic Ability Combinations

For an effective battle, both one-on-one and in a team clash, we recommend using the following combinations:

  1. Second Skill -> Third Skill -> Blink -> First Skill -> Third Skill -> Auto Attack -> Ultimate. Place a special mark on your enemy, with which Warwick will increase his attack speed. Also trigger the third ability to reduce incoming damage. After all the preparation, use Blink to close the distance. Attack the target with the first skill, interrupt the third ability. So the enemy will fall into fear and become vulnerable for a second. While the effect of fear is in effect, have time to deal as much damage as possible and finish off the opponent.
  2. Second Skill -> Third Skill -> Auto Attack -> Auto Attack -> Auto Attack -> Third Skill -> First Skill -> Auto Attack -> Ultimate. Another simple combo that can be used if you are already surrounded by a crowd of rivals. Mark one of the opponents with a label: the main damage dealer or a subtle character who brings a lot of inconvenience. Reduce incoming damage and move on to deal devastating damage. Try to hit the marked target to increase your attack speed.
  3. Third Skill -> Ultimate -> Auto Attack -> First Skill -> Auto Attack. The easiest combo attack. With it, you will calmly deal with the enemy champion one on one, and in the end you will get a chance to retreat (for example, if you have little HP and other enemies came to the rescue) or an additional second of control, for which you can finish what you started and destroy the opponent.

Pros and cons of the hero

Having fully analyzed the indicators and mechanics of Warwick, we will begin to identify its strengths and weaknesses.

Champion Benefits:

  • Very strong in the early to mid game.
  • Thanks to the passive, he is quite tenacious and easily farms the jungle.
  • Mobile: easily moves around the whole map, follows the trail of the victim, can quickly earn kills and participate in all possible ganks.
  • Easy to learn: the perfect warrior to play in the woods.
  • With the third skill, he feels great in close combat and does not suffer from a lack of protection.

Champion Cons:

  • Starts to sag in the late game. You can’t relax at the beginning of the game: he requires constant farming and ganks.
  • A team player who relies on his teammates and cannot change the course of the match alone.
  • Initially, there are problems with a lack of mana.
  • It is difficult to use the ult: it is difficult to calculate the moment for the jump and not be trapped by the opponent.
  • Suffering from control effects.
  • Despite the easy control, it becomes really strong only in the hands of experienced users.

Suitable runes

We offer two rune build options that you can use, depending on your position: top lane or jungle. They show good results, and are assembled based on the characteristics and needs of the champion.

To play in the forest

If you use the hero as a jungler, then he will need additional speed: a mobile killer must quickly move around the map, not suffer from a lack of damage and mana. Therefore, a combination of runes is well suited for him. Accuracy и witchcraft.

Runes for playing in the forest

Primal Rune - Accuracy:

  • Deadly pace - when attacking an enemy champion, the hero gains an additional 60-90% attack speed. The effect stacks up to 6 times, and at the maximum value, also increases the range of attacks.
  • Triumph - for finishing you are given additional gold and 10% of lost health points are restored.
  • Legend: Zeal - for finishing off mobs or enemies, you are given charges that increase attack speed.
  • The Last Frontier - if your health drops below 60%, then the damage against enemy champions increases. The percentage of damage depends on the amount of health. The maximum is revealed at around 30%.

Secondary - Sorcery:

  • Speed ​​- increases the hero's movement speed by 1%, and any additional effects received that target your acceleration become more effective.
  • Walking on water - while in the river, you have increased movement speed, adaptive attack power, or skill speed.
  • +10 attack speed.
  • +9 to adaptive damage.
  • +6 Armor.

To play top

As a warrior, Warwick should be thicker: he will fight in close combat and take a lot of damage. The rune will help to increase the character's defense, stability and survivability courage, but he also should not suffer from a lack of damage, so the main rune is still taken Accuracy.

Runes for playing in the top

Primal Rune - Accuracy:

  • Deadly pace - when attacking an enemy champion, the hero gains an additional 60-90% attack speed. The effect stacks up to 6 times, and at the maximum value, also increases the range of attacks.
  • The presence of the spirit When you damage an enemy champion, you gain increased mana or energy regeneration, and kills and assists instantly restore 15% of your total.
  • Legend: Zeal - for finishing off mobs or enemies, you are given charges that increase attack speed.
  • The Last Frontier - if your health drops below 60%, then damage against enemy champions increases. The percentage of damage depends on the amount of health, the maximum is revealed at around 30% HP.

Secondary - Courage:

  • Second wind - when an enemy deals damage to you, you will recover health, depending on the missing points, over the next 10 seconds.
  • Revitalization - Increases the effectiveness of healing and shields you receive or apply yourself.
  • +10 attack speed.
  • +9 to adaptive damage.
  • +6 Armor.

Required Spells

  • Jump - With its help, the champion makes a swift dash forward in the indicated direction and is transferred to 400 units. Can help in a difficult situation: catch up, retreat, dodge, initiate.
  • Cara - an indispensable spell for playing in the forest, with which you will deal from 600 points of pure damage to the marked monster or minion. With the accumulation of killed mobs, the level and damage from the spell will increase.
  • Barrier - is placed instead of a punishment for playing on the top lane. Creates a shield for the character for 2 seconds, which absorbs from 105 to 411 damage. Increases with champion level.

Best Build

We'll take a look at the best build for Warwick, which stands out from the rest with high win rates and efficiency. In addition to this, screenshots with icons and item prices will be provided.

Starting Items

At the beginning of the game, you will need an assistant in the forest. The companion will then provide the jungler with a shield and increased durability and slow resistance.

Starting items for Warwick

  • Baby herbivore.
  • Health Potion.
  • Hidden totem.

To play not in the forest, but in the top, replace the first item with the item "Blade of Doran”, which will drain life from enemies. All other items fit Warwick both in the lane and in the jungle.

Early items

Then you need to equip the character with a damage item that sprays your auto attacks and skills in an area, dealing damage to everyone around.

Early Items for Warwick

  • Thiamit.
  • Boots.

Main subjects

The main stats for Warwick are attack power, attack speed, lifesteal, movement speed, armor, magic resistance, and cooldown reduction.

Core Items for Warwick

  • Blade of the Fallen King.
  • Armored boots.
  • Jacques'Sho the Many Faced.

Complete assembly

By the end of the match, purchase additional items for health, armor, lifesteal and magic resistance. So you will increase the survivability of the champion in the late game, you will be able to participate in long battles.

Complete assembly for Warwick

  • Blade of the Fallen King.
  • Armored boots.
  • Jacques'Sho the Many Faced.
  • Titanic Hydra.
  • Spiked armor.
  • Spirit dressing.

Can also be used as armor. "Aegis of the Sun Flame" with additional area damage. Or choose "Insatiable Hydra" instead of one armor, if you do not have enough damage and vampirism in the late game, but enough protection.

Worst and best enemies

If the opposing team has Master Yi, Hecarim or Lee Sin, then you can use Warwick as their counter. He has a high win rate against the featured heroes. He will greatly interfere with them during the match. But be careful with opponents such as:

  • Udyr - A fighter with high levels of protection, mobility and control. We remind you that control is very scary for Warwick, especially if you do not have time to activate the third skill. Try to bypass this champion and play after the tank so that he takes over the main skills.
  • Maokai - a tank from a series of strong controllers. Follow the same pattern: do not try to go to him in the forehead and wait for the right moment to attack. Otherwise, you risk falling into his camp and dying quickly.
  • Evelinn is a balanced killer character that can become invulnerable, reduce the level of protection and increase his own movement speed. If you chase him into the forest, he can easily bypass you and repel your attacks.

Statistically, the champion pairs perfectly with Aurelion Sol - A strong magician with control effects. If you coordinate and combine skills correctly, you can easily defeat the entire team. A good duet comes out with magicians like Annie и Diana.

How to play Warwick

Beginning of the game. Take one of the positions: forest or line. We remind you that although Warwick is considered a warrior, he performs better as a killer jungler, thanks to his ability to hunt down players with low health and fast movement throughout the map.

Warwick is very strong early on, unlike many other heroes. Start actively ganking the lanes after getting the third level. Choose easy targets first: mages, shooters, then move on to players with high survivability.

How to play Warwick

Getting an ult is a huge plus for the character, with which he can quickly move to vulnerable heroes and finish them off. Use it whenever you need to quickly reach a target and finish it off.

Average game. By this time, Warwick becomes even more dangerous: he is agile, deals a lot of damage, monitors the entire map and hunts down lone targets in the forest.

When the heroes begin to team up, follow the forest side by side and be on the lookout to break into the gank in time or outflank the opponents from the back flank. Use the presented powerful combinations for this and take into account the effects of skills. So you will become an invincible killer.

At the same time as he levels up, his healing effects increase, which makes Warwick very tenacious. At first, you can even act as the initiator and take the main damage on yourself. At the same time, make sure that you do not fall into enemy control and activate the third skill: it will increase your defense and in the end give control over rivals.

Keep collecting gold from monsters in the forest, guard important bosses and kill them in time with your team. It is very important for you to get a lot of money at this stage, while Warwick is still very strong. Strengthen your positions and dominate by taking the Dragon and the Baron.

late game. By the final stage, the champion’s damage may not be enough: he sags and falls behind, because other heroes are already buying protection from him. Try not to go far from the team and calculate all your moves well.

Breaking into the gang, be prepared to retreat, having thought out a retreat plan in advance. Learn to move away from control skills and get a feel for the character. So you will not fall into a trap, you will soberly assess the forces of Warwick and will be able to conduct effective mass battles. And it’s better not to start battles without an ult, otherwise you risk not breaking through someone else’s armor and being left with nothing.

You can easily go behind enemy lines and destroy the main carry there to make it easier for yourself to fight further. By ambushing, you will confuse the enemy and leave him no time to defend, counter or retreat. Do not linger in the rear for a long time: try to quickly return to your comrades, who will take the hit on themselves.

Warwick is a good character, who in skillful hands becomes a real murder weapon, but for beginners, he is also understandable and accessible to development. This concludes our guide, we wish you successful matches and look forward to your comments!

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