> Tier list of elements and bloodlines in Shinobi Life 2 (2024)    

The Best and Worst Bloodlines and Elements in Shinobi Life 2: May 2024


Shinobi Life 2 is a fairly popular play on Roblox, based on the world famous anime Naruto. Shinobi Life 2 has two main mechanics - Bloodlines (Bloodlines) and Elements. The user receives them at the very beginning of the game and begins to develop them, and then can exchange them for stronger and better ones. Navigating the variety can be difficult. The two shooting range sheets that you will find below will help you do this.

Screenshot from Shinobi Life

Why are bloodlines and elements needed in Shinobi Life 2

These are two mechanics that the player must encounter during character creation. It is the elements and bloodlines that determine what abilities a character can use during battles.

At the beginning of the game, the user is given the opportunity to re-select the resulting set of abilities using spins 15 times. It’s difficult to get them - you’ll have to level up your character for a long time, look for promotional codes or donate. Therefore, it is important to get the best bloodlines and elements already during character creation.

Screenshot from the selection of bloodlines, with a slot for the ability and the number of remaining spins

Shooting gallery elements

This leveled list ranks all items in order from best to worst. They were also given their own rating - S+, S, A, B, C, D, F. The best - S+, worst - F. If during the character creation process you get an S+, S or A-level element, this will give an excellent boost in the development of your account.

Best and Worst Elements

Bloodline tier list

Bloodlines are distributed in the same sequence - S+, S, A, B, C, D, F. Try to knock out objects from S+ to Ato get an edge and grow your account faster. These abilities will be quite strong, making the game much easier.


The best skills at the moment, which are most often used by top players.


Some of the best perks that can give a significant advantage in battle.


Useful skills that will help in many situations. They are inferior in efficiency to S+ and S, but are often used by most users.


Not the strongest bloodlines. They can be useful, but in most cases they are inferior to the skills presented above.


They often fall out and are quite weak and widespread.


Weak skills that are rarely used in the game.


The weakest abilities that we do not recommend using in gameplay.

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