> Current tier list of units from Anime Adventures (May 2024)    

Best and Worst Units in Anime Adventures (May 2024): Current Tier List


Anime Adventures is a fairly popular mode in Roblox, with an average online of over 40 players. Created in 2021 by the Gomu team, the place is regularly updated and expanded. One of the main mechanics of Anime Adventures are units, there are quite a lot of them and, of course, some are better than others. In this article, you will find a tier list that will help you find out the rating of each character, determine the best and worst of them.

Who are the units in Anime Adventures

In terms of genre, Anime Adventures is Tower Defense. In this genre, players use various characters to prevent enemies from reaching the end of the level. All units in Anime Adventures are references to popular anime characters and have similar appearance and abilities. They differ from each other rarity, strength, set of attacks, appearance.

You can get characters in a special stand, which is located in the lobby of the mode. It indicates the rarity of available characters. One of the six available can fall out. Their set changes every hour. Normal call costs 50 crystals. Sometimes various promotions appear, where the opening price is lower, and the chance of rare heroes falling out is higher.

One of the banners in which you can get characters

Tier list of units in Anime Adventures

Below is a leveled list all heroes in the mode. They are listed in order from best to worst. Also, each unit has its own rating - S+, S, A, B, C, D, F. The best characters have S+, the worst - F. The tier list will help you choose the strongest heroes and discard the weaker ones to make it easier to pass the levels.

You can quickly find a character by pressing a keyboard shortcut on the PC Ctrl + F and entering his name in the search bar.

Guts (Berserk) S+
Griffin (Ascension) S+
Skull Knight (King) S+
Senbody (Buddha) S+
Issai (Boosted Gear) S+
Asuno S+
Stain S+
heathcliff S+
daky S+
Flamingo S+
Homuru S+
Jio (Over Heaven) S+
Merlyn (Infinity) S+
Aizo (Final) S+
Dezu (Blackwhip) S+
Endeavor S+
Hanje S+
Fuji S+
goju S+
Golden Freezo S+
Haze S+
Itochi (Susanoo) S+
Kyouka S+
Gyutaru S+
Lao (Heart) S+
Melio (Assault) S+
metal knight S+
Luffo S+
Mamy S+
ships S+
Pride (The One) S+
Puchi S+
raylay S+
Ria S+
saby S+
Unohona S+
Tango S+
Tatsumi S+
yoshina S+
Sayako S+
Sukuno S+
Bulmy S+
Lord Boron S
Mash S
Rosy S
Charmi S
Kiroto S
Jelly S
Kisoko (Bankai) S
Lulu S
Piccoru (Fusion) S
shisu S
Carrot S
Denjy S
Getu S
Veko S
Yamomoto S
Akena S
akin S
Emili S
Ezra S
All Force S
Angel S
Donkey S
Bakugo (Explosion) S
Brule S
Chainsaw S
Coyote S
Dany (Creation) S
Geno (Overdrive) S
Gone (Adult) S
Gray S
Greed (Hunt) S
hawk S
Ichi (Final Dusk) S
Itadoki S
Jokujo (The World) S
Kent S
King (Sloth) S
Kizzua (Whirlwind) S
Kuneko S
Ports S
marada S
Meruam S
Mirka S
Natzo S
Nejiri S
Oshy S
red scar S
Shigaruko S
soi fan S
Sonic S
Sosuke (Hebi) S
Todorro (Half) S
Toshin S
Usoap (Timeskip) S
Vegita (Super) S
Weather S
buggy A
leafy A
Ji Mo Ri A
jozo A
fire fist A
Ice Queen A
Ichi (Full Hollow) A
Kit (Evolved) A
Lights A
Renzi A
Akano A
Android 21 A
Aokijo A
Ariva A
Bang A
Broke A
Diavoro A
wild A
ghacco A
Ging A
Gowthy (Invasion) A
inuyashu A
Ipo A
Jolyna A
July A
Kenpaki A
The proverb A
Kobeno A
Levy A
Lucky A
Megomu A
Mochi A
Moriu A
Neteru A
Christmas A
Noruto (Beast Cloak) A
For a A
Whistle A
Power A
Erin A
Saicky A
SnakePrincess A
Tatsumo A
Thor A
Toby A
Uru (Antithesis) A
You A
white hair A
Temori A
Clay A
I love you A
Yono A
Yuto A
black hair A
Orwin A
Wenda A
Zeike A
speedcart A
Aizo B
Armin B
Blue devil B
Crush B
Eta B
hi B
Future Guhon B
Hook B
Hime B
Juozu B
Kit B
mist ninja B
Renkoko B
Agony B
Cel (Semi-Perfect) B
Gone B
Hisova B
tarata B
Ulquiro B
Kazeki (Centipede) B
Kazoru B
Mecha Freezo B
Noruto (Demon Cloak) B
ruki B
Shingo B
Togu B
Touci B
Fist C
Dabo C
Gajule C
Getaan C
Goko Blue C
Akoku C
chunks C
Grim Jaw C
Itochi C
Jiorno C
juvy C
Magnus C
Mivawk C
Nightmare Luffo C
Nobaba C
Norro C
Bakayua C
Luffo (Marine's Ford) C
Todorro C
Cel (Imperfect) C
Croc C
Gaaro C
Ichi (Masked) C
Jokujo C
Karyoin C
Kizzua C
lao C
Goko Black D
Freezo (Final) D
Piccoru D
Underhaul D
Geno D
Inosoku D
Kazashu D
Zennu D
Safe F
Bakugo F
you have F
John F
Josuka F
Kazeki F
Crillo F
Goko F
Ichi F
Luffo F
Usoap F
vegita F
Nezuka F
noruto F
Sakura F
Sanjay F
Souke F
Thinner F
Urakara F
Zoru F

If you do not agree with the location of the character in the tier list, be sure to write in the comments why it should be higher or lower.

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