> How to get Lucky Arrow in Your Bizarre Adventure: all the ways    

Lucky arrow in YBA: what is it, where to find it and how to get it


Your Bizzare Adventure (abbr. - YBA, UBA) is a popular place in Roblox. It is based on the anime and manga Incredible Adventures. jojocreated by Hirohito Araki. YBA recreates abilities, characters and locations from the original.

The mode was developed by the team Bizzare Studios in February 2019 of the year. He collected more than one and a half billion visits, and online crosses over 20 thousand players. Regularly, developers create updates, improving old ones and adding new abilities and mechanics. Next, we will talk about the lucky arrow in this mode, which gives certain opportunities to players.

YBA Place Cover on Roblox.com

What is Lucky Arrow in YBA

Yuba has arrow - an item that, when used, will give the player a Stand. There is also a small chance that the booth will be skin. They are highly valued by fans who are willing to trade a lot of things for rare skins.

In addition to the usual "ammunition for the bow", there is also Lucky arrows. They still perform the same function, but are rarer and have different characteristics. Of these, there is an increased chance to knock out редкий stand or skin. The probability of getting the second - 90%.

Lucky Arrow at YBA

How to get Lucky Arrow in Your Bizzare Adventure

Lucky arrows appear, like other items, in random places on the game map. It differs from other things in a low spawn chance. Every minute is 0,5% the probability that the item will appear on the server, that is, the chance of meeting it in an hour, approximately 30%, however, it may be found by other players, or it may simply be overlooked in a large gaming location.

The chance of this rare item appearing can be increased by searching on Saturday, Sunday, or on a server with a large number of players. When both of these factors converge, the probability of finding a Lucky arrow is approximately 2%.

Events are held occasionally. in which the item can be obtained on a par with other rare things. Developers also sometimes release promotional codes for which Lucky's arrow is given. Stay tuned and don't miss your chance!

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